Monday, February 9, 2009

Good day to you! And me ... I am feeling better today than I have in a while. I've just finished a two week period [or was it three - time flys when having fun] of being totally exhausted and nauseated .. my sleep pattern got all messed up. It's kinda like having the flu all the time.

Anyway, not much news really: trying to deal with Social Security (now at the Administrative Hearing level) and with my Long-term disability insurance carrier. The carrier, Lincoln Financial, continuously is asking for updates to my condition (so they can find a reason to cut off my benefits) .. although, my condition is progressive and incurable. Funny people. Hopefully Lincoln will not go under during this economic upheavel.

Take care and I will write again. You can find me on facebook now under: -- say hello. It's awful lonely here by myself. My honey has to work days. :-\

Ta ta!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better right now. I think of you and Russ often, even if I don't call.

Robert said...

Thanks Joey! Miss you too!! Just keep in touch when you can. :-]