Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Russ says he's still open for business! :-]

Russ says he is still taking orders at mudballs dot com for the holidays.

It'll help with our loss of income from my illness. :-]


The Wait Is Killing Me .. 20 days and counting!

Tuesday, November 27th seems like light years away!

That's the day I see Dr. Kent Benner, my liver specialist. I am anxious to find out if there are things I can do about the symptoms (nausea, profound fatigue, on and on ...). I would like to find out about going back to work in some capacity. Being at home is not a lot of fun even though it does make dealing with the symptoms of my diseases much easier. Amazingly, you can get "tired" of "being tired" -- but having low energy is a fact. Even doing the smallest of chores has turned into a challenge. And, my "fuzzy brain" gets in the way constantly. I loose track of what I am doing.

I am also dealing with some depression but I know I have lots of people who care and are sending their best wishes my way. :-]

I'm thinking about keeping more information in my blog: diet, including nutritional information and cost; meds and suppliments I am taking; and maybe even expressing my mood and any other information that might be of use to others going through the same things that I am.

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble. I appreciate your stopping by.
